#george weasley imagine


Pairing:George Weasley x reader

Warnings:Freds death mentioned, one swear word maybe, mentions of sex (they’re like 20 in this btw) 

Summary: An old school friend comes by Weasleys wizard wheezes to check in on how George is coping after the death of his twin Fred. And he’s not coping well. 

It had been too long since she had last visited Diagon Alley, and it had changed.  The atmosphere was as dull as the weather, grey clouds and grey skys blending in with the bland colours of the shops that used to be full of joy and colour. 

The death eaters ruined it when they came by years ago and it had never fully recovered, just like the witches and wizards of the magical world. The end of the war and Voldemort’s defeat still fresh in peoples minds. 

Celebrations never happened due to the mourning of the hundreds lost, it was going to take a while. 

Y/n looked up to the towering shop in front of her, the once new purple and orange paint vibrant, now peeling from the bricks, the colours faded with the years and the damage the death eaters lefts behind. It was scarily quiet, y/n supposed no one was ready for jokes at the time being, it would come with the recovering process. 

The sign on the door read CLOSED in bold letters, but she had come all this way and had spent time gearing herself up emotionally or mentally for this. She knocked on the door, three sharp taps that echoed through the streets. The sound of footsteps smacking on the wet pavement behind her caught her eye, stepping back from the door to glance in curiosity. It was just a passerby, running to get out of the rain. 

Once she turned back to the door she let out a surprised gasp as George Weasley stood there staring at her in confusion and curiosity. 

“George” she whispered barely audible. She didn’t know why she was so taken aback by his presence, she had come to see him after all. 

“Y/L/N” he spoke, the use of her last name always bugging her. He took in her appearance, a green cloak tied tightly around her shoulders, her posture as straight and proper as always, matching the confidence she held in herself. George always guessed it was the Slytherin way.

“what are you doing here?” he asked. He was baffled by her presence, he had not heard much from her since he left Hogwarts all those years ago to pursue the shop with Fred. He had only briefly seen her during the battle of Hogwarts almost a year ago.

“ I-” she was speechless, unsure how to word the fact that she just wanted to see him. 

“Ministry business?” he asked, having heard from his parents and Ron that she had taken a position working in journalism for the ministry. 

“No- I just … I wanted to see you” she spoke watching as his brow furrowed at her words, no doubt not understanding it. 

“Would you like to come in?” he offered, not sure what else to say. 

“please” she said softly, eyeing the rain that was falling harder by the second. 

She stepped inside after him, watching as he turned his back on her. Y/n took the moment to observe the inside of the store, it was still packed full of things that brought a smile to her face. 

Puking pastels and Peruvian darkness powder, Love potions and Pygmy puffs. 

“How is business?” she asked, George almost cringing at the small talk, he hated it. 

“Haven’t opened since” he spoke glumly. “Reckon people don’t have it in them for it just yet ,feels insensitive while everyones still recovering” 

“How are you?” Y/n asked the big question. 

“Why are you really here?“ he ignored her question, too used to people asking it.

"I told you, I wanted to see how you were doing, this past year- can’t have been easy” she said. 

“Why are you here now, out of all days” he asked, trying to make himself look busy. Y/n spotted a bottle of fire whiskey on the counter, half empty, it was clear he wasn’t coping well.

 "I-I don’t know" she spoke truthfully into the quietness of the store, she watched as George moved, walking around the counter, creating an extra barrier between then. 

“I think of you a lot” she said open and honest, it shocked him. “Even more so recently” He stared at her, an expressionless face as he tried to think of a response. 

He could lie, say he didn’t think of her, that he didn’t read the articles she wrote every week, or he could finally admit that he thought of her often too. 

“My heart breaks everyday at the thought of you being alone” she said, meeting his eyes briefly before looking away and diverting her gaze to the rain hitting against the Windows. 

George knew that Ron must have said something to her, their offices at the ministry just across from each other and Ron often took to updating him on her without George even asking . 

He wondered if she was also alone and whether that was the reason she came to see him. 

Y/n had always been an independent person, she didn’t have many friends at Hogwarts, a few close Slytherins she had grown up with, but apart from that she was fairly alone, it had a great deal to do with the whole school knowing her parents were active death eaters. George was the only one who ever bothered to talk to her, even if it meant sneaking around. 

“How are your family?” she asked, hating the silence that had fallen, George used to be a man of words but now he seemed to not be able to find any words. 

“I’m sure you already know the answer” he said quietly.

“your brother wishes to see you more” she spoke, letting him know that she knew he hasn’t spoken to them in a while.

“If you came here to make me feel guilty then you can leave” he glared. 

“I came to see you, as I said. It appears that I still care for you even though you have never shown me the same.”

George stood staring at her unbelievingly at the realisation and feeling like the worlds biggest prat.

“I can not tell whether you are just ignorant or wildly clueless George” she sighed, starting to walk around the table in front of her filled with back to school boxes of jokes. 

“You know… I remember in 5th year.” she spoke still staring at the table of jokes “I took Daphne Greengrass to the hospital wing because you had tricked her in to eating some puking pastels. I came to find you to scold you and while I was telling you off we both started laughing… and then you reached out, tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and I thought… I thought you were going to ask me to the yule ball, but you didn’t, you just turned away from me and said nothing and then I found out the next day you were going with Alicia Spinnet… and that’s when I realised you didn’t feel anything for me.” She spared a quick glance at him, before adverting her eyes again. 

“But naive little me still had hope” she chuckled quietly under her breath. 

“Y/n- I didn’t know-” George started. 

“I’m not angry at you” she shrugged “its clear you were just clueless, but then in 6th year when we went through all that trouble of sneaking around Umbridge for the whole year, I thought… wow that’s a lot of effort to go through for supposedly meaningless hookups.” 

“I don’t know what you want me to say” George said at loss for words, he had seemed to be at a loss of what to say as soon as he saw her standing at the shop door, she was the last person he expected to check in with him.

 "I don’t want you to say anything, unless you want to" she spoke quietly. “It was never my intention to talk about this. Like I said, I just came to see how you are" 

"I wish we could change the past, but we can’t ” George mumbled.

“I suppose not” she spoke feeling the weight his words held. “I should go” she decided. George nodded twice, silently watching as she made her way to the door, stopping as he reached the handle. She looked at him before speaking. 

“I know you don’t want to hear it, but I am sorry, Fred deserved the world” her voice was sincere and George sighed shutting his eyes tightly before opening them again. 

“Stay” he spoke “have a drink with me”

A/N: Part 2 anyone? I’ve got some ideas but whether anyone would read it I’m not sure, let me know! :)

#George Weasley #George Weasley imagine #Harry Potter imagine

Pairing:Fred Weasley x Reader

Prompt: After being together for years, Fred develops a change of heart.

Warning: Angst, cheating, Fred being a dumbass.



Sometimes love has a weird way of working out. Some would say for the greater good but the more heartbroken bitter people of the world would say otherwise. You used to live by the cliche quote that played over millions of times in sappy romantic movies and classic books citing that if it’s meant to be, it will happen. You never truly understood what you read but you preached it nonetheless. You supposed it wasn’t until you experienced losing what was ‘yours’ that you finally understood those words, and you also changed your thoughts to begin loathing the phrase.

You spent most of your early years bathing in fairy tales and believing in the concept of true love and finding the one before your twenties. Never had you seen this process as obscure or too sudden, of course all the classic princesses were in their late teens when they found their princes, so why wouldn’t you?

To you, Fred Weasley was the living breathing knight in shining armour. He had everything a girl could dream of. Kind eyes, a soft smile, a warming heart, and a one of a kind sense of humor. Fred Weasley was the classic Prince Charming and everyone knew it. You guessed dating him you had naturally assumed you would be the one to take the shoes of Cinderella- or so that was how the story was to go.

No one ever wishes bad things for their relationship. Fred and you had been dating since your second year at Hogwarts. You’d met on the train ride home during the holidays and hit it off immediately. You kept more on the quiet end, which surprised most being a Gryffindor and all. His loud exterior and childish way put a strain on you from the start but as time drifted on, you began to appreciate his ways of life. Fred viewed life as a party rather more than a daily task and it was a new refreshing idea to you. When you date someone for five years you naturally assume you know almost everything about them. You had spent thousands of restless nights up in the Common Room chatting until sunrise about childhood memories, dreams, and fears.

You knew he loved his family more than anything, his favorite season was fall, he had a secret birthmark near the bottom of his back, and hated olives. You soaked up Fred’s words like a sponge absorbing water so when the day came when his words no longer existed, you took note.

Fred was absolutely rubbish at hiding his feelings, he was practically an open book, his face giving away everything and lately things had taken a turn. On your dates to Hogsmeade he stared out the window of The Three Broomsticks looking disinterested and humming as silence settled over. Over the holiday break at his family home Fred was locked away in his room for most of the week and only came down for food or matches of Quidditch with his brothers.

During study sessions together his nose remained buried deep in his book not daring to glance up for anything. Although during meals he was as lively as ever. He would shout down the table- no longer sitting next to you but across- and threw food with his friends laughing like a hurricane. Most of his time was spent blabbering away with Angelina Johnson and George. He seemed to be devoting much of his time to the two nowadays- understandable George but not so much for Angelina.

A jealous pang would run through your bones as you watched your boyfriend whisper in her ear during class and nudge her shoulder exchanging jokes like we had used to do. Our weekend dates ceased to exist seeing as Fred promised to help Angelina with her Quidditch skills every Saturday morning, then go to The Three Broomsticks with George for a Butterbeer. He explained it was for Gryffindor team players only but you weren’t as dumb as he sold you to be. It was obvious Angelina and you had never been the best of friends. Her high headed personality and nose to the sky demeanor turned me away the second you met but she was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. Long silk black hair all down her back. Piercing dark eyes that captivated one in an instant and a strong head. Much like Fred, she had it all.

Although the few exchanges between you two never went down well. A week ago she had ‘forgotten’ to save you a spot at the dinning table between her, Fred, and George so you were forced to take the only open seat beside a group of second years. During break, Angelina, Fred, George, Katie, and you had all planned to attend a concert to one of you mutually loved bands together. You had brought the idea to light, hoping it would stay between yourself, the twins and Katie but someone else caught wind and decided to invite themselves along. Later you heard from Katie that your boyfriend begged Angelina to tag along saying it would be more fun with more people, but your insides twitched at her confession. So the night of the concert you all got together and went out for dinner. Afterwards you walked to the venue and Angelina pulled out all the tickets. She had promised to purchase five and even offered to cover the cost. It seemed too good to be true and you were proven right when the usher scanned your tickets and the Angelina rapidly dug through her purse. She insisted the line up to enter went Fred, her, George, Katie then you and once her fake pout met your eyes it was obvious why. Prior to the date she had failed to remember your ticket and accidently left it on her counter. Although she managed to grab the other four.

Your boyfriend gave no comfort rather so walked into the venue without a second glance. George and Katie skipped the event and stayed with you against the pleas you gave urging them to go have fun. They promised that they didn’t mind but you still felt terrible. George made an oath to make it up to you and took Katie and you out for ice cream. At the end of the night you were close to positive that you had more fun with those two than the others.

That was until you met Fred and Angelina outside the concert ready to head home. Approaching the pair a weight fell on your chest. Your breathing staggered as you saw the sight. Fred was hunched over in deep laughter at a comment Angelina had made as their bodies moved closer towards each other. As you got walked over you noticed the black jacket you had gifted Fred with for his brithday wrapped around her body.

Katie gasped and sent you a warning look. George hurried ahead and struck up a conversation, hoping it would cause them to separate once they realised you were back and the split in two like the red sea. Small talk was shared as an awkwardness settled over. Fred walked towards you and went to plant a kiss to your lips but you dodged it with ease.

He backed away confused though gave up and stayed at George’s side. Breaking the ice, Katie pointed out how it was getting late and her home would be a ten minute walk in the dark for the two of you. Fred and George offered to walk you both to her place but you brushed off their offer and turned on your heel.

Since as you were heading separate paths after the concert Katie bid the others a farewell as you waved behind them and started off in the other direction.

Fred slipped from Angelina’s hold and jogged to catch up with you. You hid the sobs threatening to shine through and listened as he went over the time you two would meet the next day so he could drive you back to the Burrow. You wondered if he was still planning to head home- or if Angelina was accompanying him. Meeting George’s sunken eyes you saw Angelina hailing a taxi and squatting in. The car sped down the street and disappeared around the corner. A sigh of relief unconsciously came and you relaxed in Fred’s arms.

“Hey. Are you alright, sweetheart?” He asked cautiously. You nodded solemnly and reached up to peck his cheek. Katie stood waiting for you and scoffed. Fred gazed at her then back to you.

“Are you still upset about Angelina forgetting your ticket? She really did feel awful about it, love. I did too! But I swear, I’ll make it up to you. I promise, darling.” He stated genuinely. Once again, you nodded. Katie’s hand slipped into yours and pulled you away. George shouted out a ‘goodbye’ but you were too torn to respond. You cried into Katie’s shoulder the whole walk to her home and spilled your guts over a session of rom-coms and pints of ice cream.

You ran through all the possibilities like hurdles trying to figure out where we had gone wrong. Were you overly affectionate? Did you care too much? Did you not care enough? A pathetic feeling washed over you entirely coming to the unanswered conclusion. It was one of the hardest things in the world to watch the person you love slowly slip between your fingertips to someone else. All you wanted was to receive the love you gave and you knew even that was a far off dream.

Shaking myself out of the distant thoughts you quickly threw on the nearest jacket you could find in the storm of clothes and rushed out the dorm room. Sunday mornings were your favorite time of the week. Saturday was spent standing out in the freezing cold rain until the lights had darken waiting for the match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor to finish. Gryffindor had won luckily, Harry caught the snitch in the most needed moments as he seemed to be best at doing, and the party in the Gryffindor tower carried on long past the sun rising. Fred and you had been planning on going to Zonko’s early evening and swinging by Honeydukes as well for some sweets. You had ran the plans past him again the night before to which he happily verified making your insides swell with excitement.

Skipping down the winding stone steps you entered in the hug like warmth of the main hangout of the tower. The room was fairly clear for the time but you assumed most were either still in bed or already taking on the day. You scanned the room looking for Fred. In less than a minute you spotted the backside his fiery red hair poking out between students. Rushing over to him you tied your house scarf tightly around your neck and buttoned up the thick jacket ready to face the cold.

“Fred, are you ready to go?” Finally reaching him, you found Fred staring out the window of the main glass. He turned around swiftly and chuckled softly. Sighing to myself, you mentally face palmed and worked out a quick apology.

“Sorry, George. From the back there you looked like your brother.” You admitted sheepishly. George batted his hand as a sign of disregard.

“No worries, love. Happens all the time.” Ironically enough you were not one to mix up the twins. Not that you always got them straight but you knew the difference from your handsome boyfriend from his identical twin.

“Do you know where your brother is? We’re suppose to be heading out to Zonko’s for the Hogsmeade trip. I swore we agreed to meet here…” There wasn’t a single other red head in the room beside George but your eyes searched for him anyways. Harry Potter, Ron, and Seamus huddled around the skyscraper like door. They were dressed ready to face the winter air seem to attend the trip to Hogsmeade as well. You looked back to find George’s face in a set scowl, sorting through all the locations his brother could be without letting him in on it. Noticing your suppressed mood his orbs flickered over your frame.

George followed your gaze to the door and pointed over to his younger brother,

“Here, I’ll go ask Ron if he’s seen Fred around.” George placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a reassuring squeeze as if to say it would be alright. You gave him a tight smile and sat down in the red velvet chair. The setup of the Gryffindor common room was by far your favorite space inside the castle. The luscious red silk curtain flowed in the breeze shoving through the open windows encasing your bundled up self in a cold chaste kiss. You were thankful for the scarf hugging your neck that killed the shivers before they could begin.

But out of all the accessories in the homey environment, the most heart dearing had to be the gorgeous art pieces prompt against the walls. At least ten painting, large and small, were hung on the walls of the common room. All held different stories as well as different originations. Each was loved by you for numerous reasons.

A glass shattering gasp broke the silence in a sudden commotion, capturing your fleeting attention. You were in the background of the episode, standing on the outside looking in as your head whipped to the scene unfolding behind you. What you found surprised you a bit. All four boys had their ears pushed up against the door and their mouths hanging near the floor.

Hermione set her book down on the couch, curiosity poisoning her mind. Her eyes fixed on the boys who were attempting to cover their obvious incident. Hermione glanced at you wordlessly asking who should investigate first. You shook your head stiffly letting her control the situation. She pushed herself to Ron’s back and worked on moving around him. Once she broke in her actions were rash.

Her whispers were hushed as Harry informed her of what was happening. A flame sparked in her eyes and she cracked the door open and peeked out. You watched intently, almost sprinting over when she leaned up against the wood with a ghost pale demeanor.

“Oh my god.” She muttered . You stood up from her words and pivoted around the coffee table holding a handful of Quidditch magazines and coupons for sweet shops. You made a mental note to remember to cut out the bogo deal after you joined in the madness.

“Y/n, no.” Hermione shouted. You flinched in your spot taken aback by her bark. What had you done? The brown haired girl shook her head like a bobble head and directed you towards the staircase.

“I totally forgot! I uh- I needed your help!” Her hands sneaked to your shoulder and turned you around. She led you to the steps leaving you flabbergasted.

“My help? With what?” You asked breaking from her hold. Ron, Harry, and Seamus shifted awkwardly but George stood still as a statue. His eyes were glossed with sorrow and a pang of hurt.

“Planning a um, no er, homework!” Hermione giggled but you could hear the nervousness. You stepped back and sent her a feature of disbelief. What was she working so hard to hide?

“You, Hermione Granger, need my help with your school work?” You saw straight through her lie as you clenched your teeth.

“Yes and lots of it!” Hermione nodded eagerly and reached for your hand. You pulled away and glared at her. Hurt seeked the air and Hermione stepped down from the battle. Her heart thumped feverishly against her rib cage. She was lost for solution, wanting to protect you but not wanting to lie at the same time.

George walked towards you leaving the pestering door alone. He shook his head and glanced down at you with sad eyes.  

“Y/n-” He stopped short and instead moved to the side, letting the pathway to the door become clear. Tilting your head up to him you waiting for a warning of some sort but he refused to meet your eyes.

Ron, Harry and Seamus glued their gaze to the ground making a weavering feeling sink in your heart.

With a shaky hand you reached out for the door and grasped the handle. Taking a moment to yourself you tried to prepare yourself for what you would find. It seemed to have dramatically shocked your friends so what effect would it have on you?

Twisting the knob to the right you swung the door open wide and examined the outer platform. Much looked normal. The staircases were moving as usual, the portraits chatting though more so whispering. Their fingers pointed towards a pair of students at the bottom of the stairwell. They were sharing a passionate kiss- well more like a messy make out session. You cringed in disgust and went to close the door. Well that was until you saw a head of red hair from the corner of your eye. Stepping back into the hall you probed the pair again, this time more closely.

The girl had faire dark skin and a smooth head of jet black hair. Her fingers roamed freely in the tall boys hair, exploring every inch undetected. She was beautiful and you recognized her immediately after a second glance. But that wasn’t what shattered your inside. What really broke you was the boy she was all over.

He kissed her with a new found love and melting aggression. He had her pushed up against the brick wall and his hand itching dangerously close under her Gryffindor shirt. Pulling back you took in the plump to his lips and the lipstick smeared across his cheek. The boy smirks devilishly then dove back in sweeping her away in another drowning kiss.

A sob choked out as your body crumbled to the floor. Your insides were crushed in a death-like grip. You knew things were going down hill but the show out in front of you was not what you were expecting.

Tears streamed like a river along your cheeks and splashed onto the denim of your jeans staining them. The two detached to search for the source of the noise. Fred Weasley dropped his hand from Angelina Johnson and look up at the open portrait and the image of his girlfriend torn into millions of unfixable shards.

“Shit…” Fred ignored Angelina’s protest for him to stay and skipped up the stone steps. He paused momentarily thinking out his actions for the first time in a month. He bent down and went to touch your shoulder but you shoved him away.

“Don’t touch me.” A eerie deadness entered in the common room. Your skin was practically crawling in disdain and repugnance. The mental image of Fred latched onto Angelina burned your memory. Her manicured fingers scraping against his skull, her mouth sewed on one to his. Tear pinched at the sockets and your chest heaved with betrayal.

Hermione and the rest inched near their designated dormitory stairs. You couldn’t blame them. Truthfully you prayed they’d make it out before the storm erupted.

Angelina’s beedy eyes shot daggers at your shaking self. Anger was bubbling above the surface and you knew the eruption was only seconds away.

She had no right to give you such an incredulous look. Had she forgotten she was the other woman? Had she failed to realize Fred was cheating on you, had spoiled a beautiful relationship, by being with her? Did she not care about the shredded loneliness you felt inside? She broke you- but most of all Fred broke you and he made no move to direct her out.

“Y/n please just hear me out. I never intended for this to happen-” The calm before the storm had ceased as your head whipped around to glare at the man you once loved. His stupid, once adorable, face seemed panicked and fearful. An expression you oh so desperately wanted to smack right off.

“What, our friends and I catching you in the act or you making out with another girl while you’re dating someone else. Five years, Fred! We’ve been together for five years!” The shriek of brokenness cut the air clean open. Trails of tears streaked your warm cheeks as an eruption of anger bubbled inside.

Your soul was empty- tainted by his scandalous actions.

“I’m sorry, Y/n. I truly am but I couldn’t help it.” Fred’s voice fell an octave low, “I love her.”

His words struck you like a bolt of lightning. Your bones shook in shock, heart thumping dangerously and nerves rising.

“You what?” For a second, you held no trust in your own voice to choke out the phrase. How could things change so fast between the two of you? You studied Fred, unsure of what to think.

“I love Angelina and I have… for a long time. I’m sorry for lying to you and cheating on you but I wasn’t happy.” He explained sorrowfully. It was not hard to hear the regret filling his confession and you were an idiot to think he felt regret for falling in love with her. Fred took pity in stringing you along, not for crushing you whole.

Raking your shaky hand alongs the strands of your h//c hair, you slipped out a striking scoff.

“Then why didn’t you say something! You’ve broken my heart you asshole!”

“Y/n, it would’ve hurt either way. Just think of this as a new start! Don’t you want Fred to be happy-” Angelina freaking Johnson was the last person on the whole planet that you wanted to hear from. Just the sight of her churned your stomach and left a bitter taste in your mouth. With tear stained red eyes you pointed at her and shook your head, silencing the girl.

“You shut the hell up. You know nothing about us so stay out of this. And you-” The venom was still pouring as you turned back to Fred, “You think you were sparing my feelings? How thoughtful of you.” Sarcasm was evident as you went to leave. You felt emotionally exhausted wanting to crawl into your bed and cry yourself to sleep. Everything hurt; your head, your chest, your heart, your body, everything. It was like you had barely survived a train crash- nothing was normal anymore.

Fred’s eyes refused to meet yours, he was far too ashamed to see the sadness creeping on your face. Instead of waiting for a reply you took matters into your own hands. Pivoting on your back heel, you walked away from the pain. Every step hurt more than the one before but you couldn’t stick around to hear anymore of his excuses.

“I’ll drop your stuff off with George in the morning. Just know, I don’t ever want to speak to you again- either of you. I hope you’re happy with yourself.”

Fred wasn’t sure if the last part was directed at you or the flushed girl beside him. Either way, he was crumbling like a building made of pebbles. His heart was screaming at him to follow you, to apologize and beg for your forgiveness but he knew that wouldn’t change anything. His feelings would still be the same and he owed you more than that. Cutting a beautiful soul like you from his life was going to hurt but lying to you and giving you false hope was worse. Salt in the wound, nonetheless.


“Don’t. You made our friends play in your little games and have ruined any happy memory we ever made. You mean nothing to me and I hope one day someone breaks your heart like you have mine.” You shot back. Sure, it was harsh. Who could blame you?

“And you-” A deadly finger pointed at the group of your supposed friends, “You are all just as bad as him. I bet the lot of you are enjoying the embarrassment I’m facing because of this. What kind of friends are you?” The words cut like freshly sharpened daggers, tearing through their flesh and bones.

Not giving the pair another second of your time, you exited the room promptly with a hole in your heart. You silently passed by your so-called friends that helped cover for your cheating boyfriend- ex boyfriend. They sent a glance of pity, not that it helped ease the damage. Friends don’t lie and that was exactly what they did to you. Shaking your head, you left the scene and locked yourself away in your dorm room creating wet tear stains on your pillow case.

In your absence, the group shared a knowing look of guilt, the weight of their actions finally settling in. Their motive was never to see you hurt, but somehow along the way, they lost sight of that. At that moment, George couldn’t bring himself to meet the gaze of his twin flame. His chest felt tight from the pain he casted second hand on you. There were so many chances he had to fill you in on the rendezvous his brother and Angelina were partaking in, so why didn’t he?

Part of George, and the rest of the group, knew they did it to protect Fred. In doing so, they destroyed you. It was a lose-lose situation and no one came out looking dapper.

Hermione rushed after you, ignoring the calls of her friends. Out of your friends, Hermione held the most culpability in herself. In her eyes, she played her hand in causing you pain and she had never felt less of a woman than in those moments of realization. Why hadn’t she told you sooner? She knew her duties as a best friend and completely disregarded them in order to keep another friend safe. Her stomach was twisted in tight coils as she dashed up the girl’s dormitory stairs in search of you.

Much like yourself, Fred spent the night with tear stained cheeks and a broken heart for hurting someone so innocent as yourself that showed him nothing but love and kindness. 

When the sun broke through the curtains that next morning, nothing felt normal. Your eyes cracked open from the warm ray of sun shining in from the window and cascading over your frame. Not even the mountain of blankets you slept under could bring you warmth and comfort, it was all snatched away from you without so much as a warning.

Sleep was ignored until the early hours of the morning as you spent a rather large sum of the night sobbing on your roommates shoulder as she consoled you. Katie had her suspicions on the pair, unlike your other friends, she never hesitated to vocalize her distain towards the ‘friendship’ between Fred and Angelina. Practically dating your ex boyfriend’s twin had put her in a difficult position on when to speak up. As she held you crying form as the two of you laid together in her bed, the answer was clear. Protecting Fred never came close to protecting you. Katie only wished she’d been there to witness the chaos so she could deliver a swift punch to the both of them.

The night finally ended with Katie dragging your body to your side of the room, and cuddling until you fell asleep. Although she’d never admit it to you, seeing as you were the one in need of support, her heart hurt for many reasons. One, you were her closest friend, nearly a sister at this point and it hurt her to see you so broken. The other reasoning fell upon her budding relationship with George Weasley. It enraged her to know George was aware of this and failed to inform her as well. It was likely he knew Katie would rat Fred out the second she heard, but the surge of hurt that coarse through her body was unable to feel sympathy for any soul that played a role in lying to her friend. 

The alarm clock on the nightstand read eleven and with the crying session you performed the night prior, it was no surprise your mind longed for the extra hours of rest. The thought crossed your mind, maybe it was all some sort of sick nightmare? Maybe you’d made the whole thing up? Although the small white parchment sticking out from under your door said different.

A small part of you hoped it was Fred who had left the note. Of course a written apology was nowhere near enough, but you still held out. Sadly, the blue ink held a different story as you realized it had been Hermione who wrote out to you. She tried to string together the perfect words to ease your distress, found the perfect phrases to comfort a friend going through heartbreak, though it all felt fraudulent.

She ended the letter explaining how ‘messed up’ Fred was after you had stormed out, and how he was willing to do whatever it would take to win her back- as a friend that is. In the same sentence, she expressed her disdain and frustration at your ex for what he did to you. As your friend, you scoffed at her words as she shamelessly attempted to lighten the anger you were experiencing towards Fred. It was clear she meant her words to bring you consolation and solace, but fell immensely short in meaning.

You refused to be like the other girls you watched who would crawl back pride-less to their cheating boyfriends, begging them to take them back. Especially to a man who publicly declared he wasn’t in love with you anymore, and in front of your shared friends too. It wasn’t the type of girl you were. The love you held for Fred burned passionately, though the events of the previous night diminished that flame and you weren’t ready to relight it.

The connection you obtained through your friendships were a bit different. Your anger was still large and atbay, however, you were willing to hear them out and at least see if there was a possibility for rebuilding your trust in your friends. Time was the magical key to this process and all you desired was to turn that key and jump forward a year. That’s the shitty part about life, and heartbreak. There is no way to speed the healing time, no remedy for the aches inside of you, and no instant gratification of love from the person who so casually tore your heart into shreds. Time would tell, and that was all you could do, wait.
